Vroom Racing (Non-VR version of VR Racing 2021) can now be downloaded for PC and Mac and for free on IndieGala.com.
Enjoy !

Vroom Racing (Non-VR version of VR Racing 2021) can now be downloaded for PC and Mac and for free on IndieGala.com.
Enjoy !
Quantic Rift (Non VR) has just been rebuilt with Unreal Engine version (4.12.5) for Windows in 64bits (It can also works fine on a Macbook M1 in a Parallel Desktop/Windows 11 environment).
Download this experience for free in the digital store: https://ideoservo.com/product/quantic-rift-pc-windows
VR Racing 2021 is a completely new edition of the VR Racing.
At the moment it is exclusively available for Goblin G1, G2 and Neo series.
It can be purchased from Ideoservo.com Digital App Store or from Pico Interactive digital store.
Drive a virtual reality Formula 1 car upon 18 worldwide tracks : Reach 380 Km/h and beat the ghost !
Tracks included:
Glaz Underwater VR 2021 is the new edition of the popular Glaz Underwater VR which was available for PicoVR.
At the moment it is exclusively available for Goblin G1, G2 and Neo series.
It can be purchased from Ideoservo.com Digital App Store or from Pico Interactive digital store.
This new edition contains the following updates
VR Flight Simulator 2021 is the new edition of the popular VR Flight Simulator which was available for IOS, Android and PicoVR.
At the moment it is exclusively available for Goblin G1, G2 and Neo series.
It can be purchased from Ideoservo.com Digital App Store or from Pico Interactive digital store.
This new edition contains all VR Flight Simulator landscapes plus :
VR Experience 2021 is the new edition of the popular VR Experience which was available for PicoVR.
At the moment it is exclusively available for Goblin G1, G2 and Neo series.
It can be purchased from Ideoservo.com Digital App Store or from Pico Interactive digital store.
This new edition contains all VR Experience landscapes plus 6 additional ones and also a new Space level.
This version supports Pico Goblin G1 and G2 series
Absolute VR Experiences is the remastered edition of 2015’s VR Experience 4 Oculus Rift game.
After having being ported on several plateforms (iOS, Android, Idealens K2 and Pico VR Goblin headsets) the game is back on PC/Windows.
Now, it is compatible with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift CV1 and Windows Mixed Reality headsets and controllers and soon available on Steam.
Immerse yourself into 30 various virtual reality worlds and explore each one into a unique ambiance to find all the hidden chalices.
Color Match VR 2021 is a new version of Color Match VR (2018) for Pico VR headsets.
At the moment it is exclusively available for Goblin G1, G2 and Neo series.
It can be purchased from Ideoservo.com Digital App Store or from Pico Interactive digital store.
This version add support for Goblin G2 and Neo headset and a few bug fixes