Tag Archives: 3d engine

Unity vs Unreal: Quantic Rift 3D engine selection


SebL ported a subset of Quantic Rift’s first scene to Unreal 3D engine and the visual result is really quite impressive and the first performances results are quite good, even in VR.

So we are now trying to create the same scene as the one we made under Unity but with Unreal engine to be able to select the best engine for our full FPS game.

That means not even porting all 3D scene but also porting all C# scripts that we have already achieve or integrated to blueprints or C++ code (FPS engine, lift animation, characters animation, destruction of objects, VR cam management…).

This is really not an easy task and we don’t really know, how long it will take as we are more used to Unity Engine but we want to know what we can get with that engine before creating the full game.