VR Flight Simulator Starter (iOS Free version) now available:

VR Experience v2.0 has been released for iOS and Android.
Here is the cool new features list in response to various users’ wishes:
– VR drift fixed
– 4 VR modes are now possible:
VR0: magnet toggle: move on/off
VR1: magnet toggle: next scene, look down; move on/off
VR2: magnet toggle: move on/off, look down; next scene
VR3: look down; move on/off
– Configurable player height
– Configurable player speed
– Configurable player eyes distance
– Digital Pad controller when in “Normal” mode (left/right/forward/backward/rot left/rot right) [replaces long tap action]
– Performances improved on some levels
[update: 2.1 android: now 100% compatible with Durovis Dive 7 VR helmet for 7″ tablets such as the Nexus 7]