VR Flight Simulator Starter (iOS Free version) now available:

VR Experience v3.0 available for iOS.
It fixes game loading problems on iOS 10.x and also includes a new level: “Cemetery”.
VR Racing is still in development. It was initially scheduled to be released in December 2015, but the game is not ready for a public release as the team effort is also concentrated on Quantic Rift adaptation to Unreal Engine 4.
But, the good news are that an additional track is now included in VR Racing : France track (inspired by Le Mans Bugatti track).
So the game will contain three tracks : Italy, Belgium and France.
VR Experience v2.0 has been released for iOS and Android.
Here is the cool new features list in response to various users’ wishes:
– VR drift fixed
– 4 VR modes are now possible:
VR0: magnet toggle: move on/off
VR1: magnet toggle: next scene, look down; move on/off
VR2: magnet toggle: move on/off, look down; next scene
VR3: look down; move on/off
– Configurable player height
– Configurable player speed
– Configurable player eyes distance
– Digital Pad controller when in “Normal” mode (left/right/forward/backward/rot left/rot right) [replaces long tap action]
– Performances improved on some levels
[update: 2.1 android: now 100% compatible with Durovis Dive 7 VR helmet for 7″ tablets such as the Nexus 7]
Color Match 3D is a color and shape recognition game.
It runs on IOS (iPad, iPhone) and also on PC/Windows and MacOSX and is available on the Apple Store in a Paid version or a Free/sponsored version.
It is aimed at a wide audience aged 4 to 120.
Under its relatively simplistic aspect, this game stimulates several different intellectual functions: recognition of primary colors and simple geometric shapes, reversed spatial memory, analysis, speed decision making but also risk assessment (mistakes make you lose points).